Saturday, August 15, 2009

Well a week is better than 8 months

I know I said I was going to update from April until now last weekend, but I got into cleaning up my craft room and I've learned that when you get on a roll like that, you don't stop for anything!

Now, on with the update! - I'll add pictures later. I don't have them with me at the moment.

April - We didn't have a whole lot going on in April, just school, work, softball and dance. Well, and working on the pool. Yeah, I know we thought we were done with that last year. We still had a leak, but the good news is we figured out where it was and it wasn't too bad to repair it. The bad part was that we had to dig up part of the patio around the pool and replace the return line. So we did that and repainted again and filled it up and we actually had the pool up and going by mid June. It took a while to dig out all the dirt and concrete as much rain as we had for April and May. But the good part is that we shouldn't have to do anything next year, but add the chemicals to open her up and enjoy!

May - Well, May ended up being a busy month. Between working on the pool and our anniversary (can you believe it's been 9 years!) and softball and dance, we stayed very busy. It got really crazy at the end of May. Jeff had to go to VA Beach the last weekend of the month for the Guard. Turns out that it was the same weekend as Kelli & Morgan's dance recital, plus Kelli had a softball game the same day that they really needed her to be there for because several of hte other girls weren't going to be there. And to top it all off, Dusty and Astacia got married the same day. Believe it or not, I managed to pull it all off. The recital was at noon. Mom, Anita & Jess took Adrienne for me so I didn't have to fight her the whole day. Christie & I took Kelli to her recital (Morgan was with her mother, thank goodness). She was in the second act. As soon as it was over, we took her to meet her friend Hannah's dad. The Mixon's were nice enough to take her for the afternoon to her softball game and even invited her to spend the night with Hannah. The girls had a great time. They took her to a show similar to Cirque de Solei. She loved it. After we met Hannah's dad, Christie and I took off to Smith Mountain Lake for the wedding. We met mom, Anita, Jess & Adrienne there. It was a beautiful day and the spot they picked to get married was perfect. We had a good time. There was a pair of ducks at the wedding and the reception that everyone was enjoying. They hung around the whole time.

June - It ended up being a fairly quiet month. Daycare and work were about the extent of it. Well, and crafting. I have gotten into sewing lately, and have been really enjoying it. Of course, my dining room table was a lost cause - it was the only place I really had to spread out and do anything. But I had to pack everything up and start clearing it out around the end of the month so we could get ready for Kelli's birthday coming up the first of July.

July - Well, for Kelli's birthday this year, she chose Littlest Pet Shop for the theme. All I can say is I had WAY TOO MUCH FUN planning that one! Let's just say that is one of the easiest themes to get carried away with. One of the kids invited was Kelli's friend Keegan. He is a diabetic, so I wanted to make sure that I had some things that would be ok for him to munch on that weren't going to throw is bloodsugar completely out of whack. So I had gotten some fresh fruit and vegetables for the kids. Well, while shopping for party supplies, I had come across this cute "doggie" dish with kibble and a bone. It was actually kibble shaped graham cookies and a candy bone in a little plastic dog dish. It was kind of expensive to order one for each kid (we had invited like 14 kids). So the brilliant mind that I am (or creative - take your pick) bought these cheap bowls at Wal-mart. They were 4 for $1, so I got like 4 sets thinking I would do one bowl for each kid. We ended up just using them to put all the "pet food" on the table. We had bird food (sunflower seeds and gummy worms). There was rabbit, cat & dog treats - those were cookies cut out in carrot, fish and bone shapes. Then I made chocolate cookie dough and rolled it into little balls for the kibble. The kids loved it. All the parents thought the pet foods were great. Her cake was just a sheet cake that I put a Littlest Pet Shop set on that I had found at Wal-Mart and it was a birthday set. It started raining after lunch, but the kids didn't mind at all. They thought it was fun to play in the pool while it was raining. when it started thundering, we made them get out and go inside for cake and ice cream.

I think the biggest surprise was the Germains coming to Roanoke for her birthday. I knew they were coming, but I didn't tell the girls. Carrie and the kids got her Thursday afternoon. I took them with me to pick up the girls at daycare. All four kids had a blast. They spent most of Friday in the pool. Saturday was the party. Sunday they played in the pool a little bit and watched movies and just played in general. It was a fun weekend. We hated to see them go Monday morning.

The following weekend, Delaney came and spent the night. Well, it was supposed to be just Friday night, but she ended up staying the whole weekend, not that we minded in the least. Our neighbor across the street set up a projector in the front yard and showed movies on a sheet hanging from a tree on both Friday and Saturday night. Friday night, Adrienne didn't want to go. They were watching Hotel for Dogs. Saturday night we watched Big Fat Liar, and she went to that one. It was a lot of fun. On Saturday, we had all the neighborhood kids (David's boys and the Hall's grandkids) come over and play in the pool for a couple of hours. Everyone really enjoyed that. The Kelli & Delaney had an Easy Bake weekend. Both girls had their Easy Bake ovens out and were having fun making all kinds of things. We made pretzels and smore's. It's a good thing we had both ovens or it would have taken forever to get all that stuff baked!

The rest of July was kind of quiet compared to that. We enjoyed the pool whenever the weather would allow. This has been one of the wettest, coolest summers we have had in a very long time.

So here it is mid August already! I can't believe the summer is just about over. Kelli & Morgan start back to school a week from Monday. I've been working on cleaning up and organizing my craft room. I hope to have that finished tonight or tomorrow. Adrienne is swimming in the pool and won't get out. She is my little fish. She loves the pool. She is actually getting really good. We still make her put on a floaty suit most of the time, but she loves to get in with a regular suit on. She can kick really well, we just need to work on her using her arms too.

Well, it is hot out here and my battery is just about gone on the laptop, so I guess I'll wrap it up for now. I'll try to add pictures this evening or tomorrow.

Well, I guess that's it

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