Monday, September 24, 2007

Whole lot of not much

Well, there hasn't been a whole lot going on, but at the same time it seems like I haven't had time to slow down for more than a few minutes. Kelli is playing softball this fall. Actually it's more like a softball clinic (?). They meet every Sunday from 1-2 for 5 weeks (I think). There have been between 18 & 20 girls for the first couple of weeks, so they have about a 10 minute warm up, then they divide into 2 teams and everyone gets a chance to bat and they all get a chance in the field. It's funny to watch Kelli now. Back in the spring, when she was in the field, she wouldn't pay attention to what was going on in the game. Now she gets out there and she watches who is batting and where the ball goes. She really seems to enjoy it. She & Morgan started dance a couple of weeks ago too. And they love being back in that. You should see my calendar with all of the kids social activities. I have to put it on the kitchen wall just so Jeff and I can keep up. Adrienne of course thinks that wherever Kelli is and whatever Kelli is doing that she (Adrienne) is supposed to be doing it too. Adrienne thinks she is as big as the others. I have fun trying to keep her off the softball field or out of the dance studio.

The Germains are coming in on Friday to spend the weekend with us. The girls are so excited. Kelli and Sami have a birthday party to go to on Saturday, but I think Kelli is more excited that Sami is coming to stay here for a couple of days than she is about the party. When I tell Adrienne that Zach is coming to see her, her whole face just lights up and she starts looking around saying Zach, Zach. I'll take lots of pictures while they are here and post them (hopefully) on Sunday.

The other wonderful exciting news is that are pool has a major leak. Not fun. We have lost over half the water in the pool in just over a week. Needless to say, we've had to shut down the pool for the summer. The girls weren't too happy about that, especially when it was about 90 here over the weekend. Oh well. Hopefully, we can figure out where it is and get it fixed before we cover it for the winter, so that next spring all we have to do is take the cover off and we'll be ready to go. Jeff and Terry (a friend of his that specializes in pools) need to take a look at it. All I know about the pool is how to clean it (which I HATE to do) and how to relax in it. :)

Well, CSI:Miami is going to come on in a about 45 minutes, so I need to go get the kids stuff ready for school tomorrow so I can watch it uninterrupted.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

What a weekend

Kelli, Adrienne and I went to Richmond again to see the Germain Crew. They have a dog Mitzi and they had left her here at a kennel until they closed on their new house. I volunteered to take Mitzi up this past weekend. So the girls and I picked her up and took her home. She was so excited to see somebody to take her away, she didn't even care that it was a complete stranger. But she was very happy to see her family again. After we got there, Carrie and I took the 4 kids to the Short Pump Town Center. Kelli and Sami rode the train while Adrienne and Zach played in the houses.

Then we took all the kids to Build A Bear. The kids had a blast as you can see.
Kelli made a white teddy bear with Pink undertones and named her "Pinky" I know not very original, but she goes with the last one she made that was white with blue undertones and named, yup you guessed it "Bluey".
Adrienne's purple hippo that you see getting her "shower" is Polka Dots. Adrienne tries very hard to say Polka Dots, but it comes out more like Dot Dots.
Now we're trying to get ready for Jeff to fly out in the morning to Florida. His softball team got the change to go to FL for the USSSA World Series at the Disney Sports Complex. I wish the girls and I could go watch them play, but it's too long of a drive for just a couple of days and it's too expensive to fly 5 people down. So I guess we will stay home and just enjoy the pool. That is if it doesn't rain here all weekend. Besides, Kelli has fall softball on Sunday, and it's the first one, so we don't want to miss that. Especially since they are only going to be playing for 5 weeks. I thinks its just a chance for the girls to get together and work on improving their skills. Kelli is excited about it. the nice part is that it is at Penn Forest Elementary, and they have a great playground right beside the fields, so Adrienne can play on the playground while Kelli plays softball.
the washer stopped, I guess I better go put stuff in the dryer so Jeff will have clothes for this weekend.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Getting Started

Ok, so I'm new to this. I figure this is the easiest way for me to keep up with everyone and let you all keep up with us.

Where to start, well the last month or so has been crazy. My best friend Carrie and her family got transferred to Richmond. Her daughter Sami is Kelli's best friend and her son Zach is Adrienne's best friend. And they have moved away. Fortunately, it's not too far. They had Sami's 6th birthday party here in Roanoke the weekend before Labor day. Well, as we were loading up to go home, Kelli was running around the parking lot, and she hit her head on the door to the hatch on my van and split her forehead open. She ended up with 3 stitches. This

was taken Sunday night (she did it on Sat.) right before we washed her hair. It looks worse than it really is.

She did really good when they put them in, not so good when they took them out a week later. She's doing better now, and it's healing great. In a few weeks, you won't even be able to see where she hit it.

Here's what it looked like the day we got them out. As you can see, its not really all that bad. And it looks even better now (a week later).

I'm trying to get some stuff together to go visit the Germains in Richmond this weekend. We are taking their dog Mitzi to them. They didn't close on their new house until this week, and couldn't have her in the corporate apartment they were staying in, so I voluntered to bring her up this weekend. We are going to take the kids to Build A Bear on Saturday after we get there. Kelli is so excited. I don't know if she's more excited about going to Build A Bear or going to see Sami. Adrienne is excited to go see Zach. She could care less about Build A Bear.

Jeff is playing in a softball tournament up in the Richmond Area on Saturday too, so I am hoping we can go by and see at least one of his games.

The girls started school a few weeks ago. This was their picture on the first day. Kelli loves 1st grade. And it's hard to believe Morgan is in 7th already. At least I still have a few years before Adrienne starts school. The girls are growing up so fast. Of course it's hard to believe that Jeff and I have been married for over 7 years already. It seems like we just started this family a couple of years ago. Here we are 7 years and 2 more kids later. And we haven't killed each other yet. There have been days that it was REALLY tempting (for both of us), but we're hanging in there.

Ok, time to go get the kids cleaned up and ready for bed. And finish packing for our weekend to Richmond.