Friday, May 23, 2008

Where has the time gone???

I can't believe it has been 2 months since I posted. Sorry! It has been crazy around here the last couple of months. Well, the wedding is now only 2 weeks away and everything is going good. We still haven't heard from a few people-you know who you are :) but other than that we're doing good. Kelli & Morgan have their dance recital next weekend and of course, Jeff has to be in VA Beach for training. He's going to go to the girls' rehearsals this week and watch so he doesn't miss them. Kelli is playing softball again and she loves it. I think she likes softball more than dance. Which doesn't really surprise me. She is like her daddy. And as usual the hardest part of being at a game is keeping Adrienne off the field. She loves going to Kelli's games. Oh and guess who voluntered to be team mom. Yup, you guessed it. ME! It hasn't been too bad. I need to email the man about the girls trophy's. I need to get him a list of names & numbers. Here are some pictures of Kelli at softball.
This is the whole team. Turns out that I went to high school with the coach and our team sponser. We all have daughters the same age. This isn't the same team she was on last year. They didn't have enough girls that wanted to play so they had to eliminate 2 of the mini-mite teams (ages 5-8)and Kelli's was one of the teams. The good part is that the 4 girls that came back from her team last year were all put on the same team this year, so she at least knew some of the other girls.
Remember what I said about trying to keep Adrienne off of the field. Well, one of her favorite things to do during the game is to go find Kelli's bat and carry it around like she's going to be the next one going out on the field. Fortunately, all of the parents (especially the ones from last year) love watching her antics, so they help me keep her off the field if she gets away from me. Which she can do pretty easily. There is one little girl that her sister is on the team that likes to play with Adrienne at the games. And Adrienne loves to follow Molly around. Several of the fields have a playground and Molly (she's 5 I think) and one of the other player's older sister (who's name I can not remember for the life of me right now and is about 12) will take Adrienne to the playground during the games and let her slide, which is still one of her favorite past times.
Well, you all know that Houston is here. Aint he cute!!! And I'm sure most of you know about Amy & Bryan's little adventure concerning his arrival. If you don't, well lets just say that my newest nephew made his entrance into the world in a parking lot on 419. There were a couple of articles and news stories about it. This is the interview done by Channel 10.
Here is the one that was done first. It was an article in the Franklin County paper. Turns out that the reporter for Channel 10 gets a copy of all the little local papers and she saw the article and called Amy & Bryan and did the story that day. It aired on Channel 10 for like 2 days, on every news time. They said it was just a great story, so they kept airing it.
Jeff & I took yesterday and today off to work on the pool, and it was a wasted effort. Turns out all the work we had done this past winter getting leaks fixed didn't fix them all. One of the cracks that they filled they didn't fill it very well and when Jeff was cleaning the pool the other night to get it ready for painting and he hit an air bubble with the water hose and it popped and ground water started coming back into the pool. So we had to wait until that stopped to get the pool people out here to fix it. Now it's probably going to be next week before they can come out because they never showed up today like they were supposed to. Oh well, I'm getting ready to paint my kitchen this weekend and next so that I can get my new grantite countertops that we won last fall. We've already ordered the new cabinets and they are being built right now. :) They should be going in next weekend too. Yes, I think I am trying to cram EVERYTHING into the next 2 weeks. At least that's what it feels like.
Well, I'm off to get Kelli & Adrienne from daycare, then we are going to pick up Morgan's dress from the alterations shop and go fill up the van before gas prices go up anymore. I may have to take out a loan to put gas in the van if this keeps up much longer.
I swear, I will try to do better about keeping up with this blog. I'll get some before, during & after shots of the kitchen so you can see how it turns out.
Gotta Run!